Jurnalista Ramona Ursu și-a petrecut noaptea la Urgențe la Spitalul „Sf. Spiridon” din Iași, cel mai mare spital din Moldova. Ea a calificat experiența ca fiind „de neuitat”, practic o noapte de coșmar în sala de la Urgențe, iar economistul Andrei Caramitru a făcut referire la caz și a propus soluții la problemele sistemului medical […]
The main conceptual idea of the text is the terrible state of the emergency department (UPU) at the "Sf. Spiridon" Hospital in Iași, Romania.
The journalist Ramona Ursu describes her harrowing experience in the overcrowded, dirty, and cold UPU, highlighting the lack of basic amenities, inadequate facilities, and insufficient medical staff. The article uses Ursu's personal account to expose the challenging realities faced by patients seeking emergency medical care in Romania's healthcare system.
The main conceptual idea of the text is the terrible state of the emergency department (UPU) at the "Sf. Spiridon" Hospital in Iași, Romania. The journalist Ramona Ursu describes her harrowing experience in the overcrowded, dirty, and cold UPU, highlighting the lack of basic amenities, inadequate facilities, and insufficient medical staff. The article uses Ursu's personal account to expose the challenging realities faced by patients seeking emergency medical care in Romania's healthcare system.